I can help you attain good health without

focusing on the number on the scale

having a restrictive diet

counting calories

You've got a lot on your plate with excelling at your job and taking care of your home and the people (and/or pets) in it. Figuring out how a healthy diet + lifestyle fits in with all of that can get overwhelming real quick.

Thankfully, this is where I can help!

I can help you reach your health goals by teaching you how to return your diet + lifestyle to the natural design of your body.

If you feel bad enough or frustrated enough with your health to make some changes, let's try a different approach.

Not ready yet?

Here is, what I believe, the #1 Problem with Most Diet + Lifestyle Solutions Today.

A big problem today with typical diet + lifestyle solutions is that they get too caught up in the symptoms of health issues. Whether that's weight gain, reflux, digestive issues, chronic pain, food sensitivities, or some other symptoms. This only leads to calories getting restricted, foods getting cut out, medications being prescribed, and/or supplements being taken. However, all of these actions are only effective when they address the underlying cause of the symptoms.

What Do I believe is the #1 underlying Cause of health obstacles and symptoms?

Simply put, having a diet + lifestyle that's based on man's design instead of God's design.

Before we dig into the how, I want to propose an idea for your to consider...

What if God designed your body with an innate intelligence?

If God designed your body with innate intelligence, then the best approach to having good health is to treat your body as if it's smarter than you instead of acting as if you know best.

If your body has innate intelligence, then instead of constantly doing things to or putting things into your body, you only have to step back and wait.

If your body has innate intelligence, then it has the ability to heal itself if you let it do its job.

If your body does most of the work, then what are you supposed to do?

You must return to God's good, intelligent design for your health and body.

When it comes to returning your diet + lifestyle to its natural design, I truly believe that your body can do it on its own.

The body knows what it needs + when it needs it.

We only have to re-train it to do what it's intended to do.

Now, that leads us to the question...

How can you return your Diet + lifestyle to God's design?

Re-align Your Mind

We will work through the best ways to approach your diet + lifestyle

Re-Align Your Patterns

We will work on making changes to when you eat and utilize times without

Re-Align Your Diet

We will work through how to best use the foods you eat

There are other areas of diet + lifestyle I address when working together. However, this is the basic framework I use. How I carry out the framework depends on which way you choose to work with me. To learn more about how I apply the framework, choose an option below.

Side-note: I do not believe in mysticism. I strive to make sure all of my recommendations are Bible-based and evidence-based.

Ways We Can Work Together

Do you need one-on-one coaching?

I recommend Coaching Sessions if you want to work one-on-one with me, come up with a plan together that's tailored to you, and be held accountable to it.

Don't Have the Money upfront?

I recommend my Membership Site if you need to save up for coaching sessions.