What Diet is Best for me

What Diet is Best for Me?

I know you’re here to find out “what diet is best for me?”

You may have already tried quizzes, asking your friend who knows all the trending diets, or (if desperate) Googling ‘diets that work’.

Did you find the diet you were looking for? Did you find one that actually sticks?

Or, did you find yourself enjoying ’cheat days’ more than the diet itself?

what diet is best for me

If you knew how and had the time, you’d make your own diet plan.

The problem is…

Where do you even start?

There are a bazillion diets out there, and they are all supposedly ‘healthy.’ But how do you know which one will get you the results you want?

Why can’t choosing a diet be as easy as choosing a snack from the vending machine? You put your money in, tell the machine what you want, and out pops the diet.

You just need more time, then you could come up with a meal plan for yourself.

That way you can say goodbye to Keto, Paleo or Weight Watchers dictating what you can and can’t eat.

No more spending hours pinning recipes that you aren’t sure fit your diet. (And realizing 5 hours later that you got distracted by other pins.)

No more giving into ‘cheat days’ just to have next-day-regret.

It’s just so difficult finding the “perfect” diet to get (and keep) the results you want.

What is a “good” diet, anyway?

Which diets are scams to get money from you without delivering promised results?

Is what the fit guy or girl in a bathing suit saying about removing 4 foods from your diet actually true? If they got their body by following that diet, shouldn’t you?

Or, should you just buy a meal plan from a food blogger you follow?

But, the last time you tried someone else’s diet, it didn’t get you the results you wanted. It didn’t help with your digestion problems. It didn’t help you lose weight.

You didn’t even feel all that healthy following it. You actually felt obligated to follow it since you put time and money into it.

And let’s not even talk about the embarrassment you’d feel if your friends and family found out about you trying another diet.

Why can’t you pick a diet and stick to it?

As a Dietitian, I can tell you that you are not alone in this.

If you have ever tried a diet and wondered why you couldn’t stick to it longer than a month, there’s a simple reason why.

Diets are templates. Meaning, diets need to be customized.

If you neglect customizing the diet to fit you, your chances of getting the results you want are slim.

By customizing a diet, you are fitting the diet to you (instead of changing yourself to fit the diet). Then, you can just be you.

On the other hand, if you don’t customize the diet, you are trying to force yourself to be someone you’re not.

And there’s no peace or real confidence when you’re pretending to be someone you’re not.

Now, I know it takes a lot of time and effort to do this. And time isn’t something you probably have an abundance of right now.

So, I have put together 5 mistakes busy people make with their diets to help get you on the right track.

Put in your info and I’ll send it straight to your email.

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Of those mistakes, I’d have to say that finding out your likes, dislikes, and taste preferences are one of the most important parts of customizing your diet.

Knowing how your likes and preferences fit into your diet in a healthy way is another big part.

I like to call this self-awareness.

The more you know about yourself, the more clarity you will have with your diet. The more clarity you have with your diet, the more confidence you will place in it.

This may sound easy to do. But, one of the hardest parts is figuring out what you are and are not comfortable with.

And if you don’t take the time to figure out what you are and are not comfortable with, the diets you choose will never feel right.

If you want to have more self-awareness so you can fit a diet to you…

Then start paying attention to what you eat and why you eat it.

Did you notice the emphasis on the why?

Good, because you will find out a lot about yourself when you start asking why you do things.

Do you find yourself craving crunchy foods? Salty foods? Fatty foods?

These are only a few of the many questions you can ask yourself to figure out your likes and taste preferences.

The key is to be mindful of your eating. Mindfulness (AKA being present of your emotions and thoughts while eating) will get you on the fast track to becoming more self-aware.

And when you’re more self-aware, you’re able to customize your diet to fit you better.

And the more your diet fits who you are, the faster you’ll reach (and keep) the results you want.

This is why self-awareness is one of the 5 mistakes. And, as you can tell, an important one at that!

I’ll leave the other 4 mistakes for you to find out in the free pdf.

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Now, you may be thinking this is great and all, but you still don’t have time to customize your diet. Nonetheless, the time to be more mindful when you’re eating.

It would be so much easier if someone would just tell you how to eat, write you out a meal plan, and give you easy recipes you can prepare.

Enter in Dietitians – The Diet Experts.

Dietitians have been taught diets.

We have been trained to figure out what diet you should follow, and what foods you need more of (or less of).

Unlike Health Coaches, Nutritionists, Doctors, Chiropractors (etc.), Dietitians have been trained specifically on how to heal and prevent with diet.

To become a Dietitian, you have to have 4-6 years of schooling, 1200+ hours of supervised practice with Dietitians, and pass the registration exam.

I don’t want to put down the other professions. They all have an important place in the health world that Dietitians don’t have the skills for.

But when it comes to diet, they have not gone through the rigorous training that Dietitians have.

This is why Dietitians should be your go-to when you don’t have the time to customize your diet.

Dietitians can tell you how to eat, write you a meal plan, and provide easy recipes you can make. All tailored to you.

They can also help you not make those 5 mistakes with your diet.

So, you want to find a Dietitian, but where do you find one?

If you…

• Are overall healthy and want to stay healthy
• Have minor problems here and there with digestion, 
reflux, losing weight, chronic pain, food sensitivities
• Want to know more about how to eat to look and feel
your healthiest
• Don’t want to “fix” symptoms with meds
• Can’t afford to go see a Dietitian (or a Doctor, really)

I started up a project that will be perfect for you. Learn more here: https://yourplatewithcait.com/project-healthy-you/

If that doesn’t describe you but you’re looking for a Dietitian to work one-on-one with, shoot me an email at cait@yourplatewithcait.com or send me a message here with what you’re looking for.

Remind me – what diet is best for me?

A customized one.

You can either DIY your own diet or you go see a Dietitian to help you DIY your diet to best fit you.

If you are going to DIY your diet, be sure to…

Be mindful of why you’re eating

Plan around your likes, dislikes, and taste preferences

Set healthy boundaries for your must have’s

Consider specific needs for any health problems

Avoid the 5 mistakes you can make with your diet

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Have you DIY’ed your own diet? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic in the comments below!

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