To the pregnant mamas who want a natural birth

019 || To the Pregnant Mamas Who Want a Natural Birth…

This episode won’t be focused on how to diet, but I felt compelled to talk about my recent birthing experience. My whole passion for learning about God’s intelligent design really started when I was pregnant with our first son. And I’ve actually learned most about God’s design for the body from my pregnancies and birthing experiences. I know I’ve only had 2 kids, so I’m no expert, but there are some things I would have liked to know when I was pregnant with my first and doing a natural birth.

To the pregnant mamas who want a natural birth

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

I’m the type of person who wants minimal intervention when it comes to pregnancy and labor. If you’re that way too, then I have some bits of knowledge I learned with my most recent birth that I want to share with you. Again, I’m no expert here, but I like to think that my last natural birth, which lasted a total of 3 hours and 45 minutes, taught me A LOT.

When it comes to labor, we sometimes have to make last minute judgment calls. Those judgment calls are serious because they come with risks. And since your life and your baby’s life are on the line with labor, no judgment call should be taken lightly. This is why I am so thankful for a God who is sovereign and good, even when things don’t go the way you expect.

Before you start thinking something bad happened during the birth of my last son, he’s healthy and growing big. There were some unexpected things that happened during the birthing process, but God is good. Through the unexpected, God showed me how sacred the birthing process truly is.

Before this last birth, I took the birthing process for granted – you show up when you start having contractions and then you push a baby out. However, we’re talking about bringing new life into the world… This is a HUGE responsibility given by God, and one we should honor and treasure.

If you’re wanting to have a natural birth, I would like to share 4 things I’ve learned from my birth experiences that I wish I had known. One of those things I’ve learned is that you must prepare your body for labor if you’re doing things naturally. Modern medicine for labor and delivery is more for moms who don’t prepare for labor. Therefore, if you want a natural birth, you’ll need to prepare. Think of labor as a marathon – don’t show up out of shape and unprepared.

If you’d like to hear more, you can listen to the episode below:

Show Notes

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