013 || Treating Symptoms is Like Playing Whack-A-Mole

If you want to put a bandaid on the health problem behind your symptoms, then keep treating your symptoms. If you want to resolve the health problem (or obstacle) and not be dependent upon medications for the rest of your life, then you must look past the superficial symptoms and start asking why the symptoms are happening in the first place.

Treating Symptoms is Like Playing Whack-A-Mole

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

In this episode, we address the health lie that treating symptoms resolves the health problem. If you’re taking hormones or medications to stimulate ovulation, you’re likely playing Whack-a-Mole with your hormones. If you’re stuck in the try-and-ditch diet cycle as you try to lose weight, then you’re likely playing Whack-A-Mole with your weight.

Ready to whack the moles for good? You’ll have to listen to this episode to find out how!

Here are some main points from the episode:

  • How symptoms are like the leaves on a tree
  • Why pills can never fix the problem
  • The danger of treating symptoms
  • What to focus on to actually resolve your symptoms

You can listen to the episode below:

Show Notes

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Ready to get down to the root of your health symptoms? Consider working with me, then, and I will help you do just that!

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