Rules We Must Live By

06 || Rules We All Must Live By

Though there is no one right way to eat or live, there are still rules we must live by to have good health. These rules, what I call natural law, are boundaries that, I believe, God intentionally created the world to have.

One of the most obvious pieces of evidence of the existence of natural law is the law of gravity. No matter what, if you jump off a 5-story building, you will face the law of gravity. Another obvious evidence of natural law is food poisoning. If you eat chicken that has been left out for 3 days, you will get salmonella poisoning. (Trust me on this one.)

We’ll go more in-depth into why I believe there are rules we must live by. We’ll also talk about what happens when we don’t follow the rules in this episode. You won’t want to miss this one!

Rules We All Must Live By

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

In this episode, we dig into:

  • The underlying premise I base every health or diet belief off of
  • Proof of the existence of rules we must live by (AKA natural law)
  • Why we must submit to these rules
  • It’s my desire to learn what these rules are in regards to our diet and health and then teach it to you
  • How and where we can learn what these rules we must live by are

Listen to the episode below:

Show Notes

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If you want to learn more about how to diet and live according to God’s design, you can subscribe to my podcast on Podbean, Apple, Google, or Stitcher. If you want to work one-on-one with me to start living by God’s design for your health, then you can learn more here.

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