How I’m Getting to the Root of My Symptoms

For the past 6 years, I’ve been researching how to eat and live in a way that is best for my body. During this search, I keep coming across stories of unexplained health problems with no real solutions.This only frustrates me because I believe my body is sovereign and can heal itself. So, I’ve redirected my search towards getting to the root of my health symptoms in hopes that whatever I discover may help you too.

As of now, I am still searching for what is preventing my body from being truly healthy. This search has led me to toxic heavy metals and how they may be interfering with my body’s ability to take care of itself.

How I'm Getting to the Root of my Symptoms

First, How I Came to Heavy Metals

Toxic heavy metals is a complicated topic. So, let me explain what led me to finding out about toxic heavy metals.

My search started during the time I became registered and licensed as a Dietitian. I was pregnant with my son, which motivated me to figure out how to prevent my son from developing health problems. I also wanted to learn about nature’s remedies since I only learned about synthetic ones in school.

The first thing I learned during my search was the importance of gut health. (Quick summary of gut health: your body is protected by a lining of bacteria along your gut. The balance and diversity of the types of bacteria is key to keeping harmful things from entering your body.)

Though gut health is extremely important, I realized it was still only one piece of the puzzle. Gut health doesn’t fully explain autoimmune diseases, hormone imbalances, or neurological symptoms (like brain fog). Also, supplements were being prescribed in the place of medications. Since I believe the body is sovereign and should be able to take care of itself, I refused to accept that solution and went back to the drawing board.

After months of listening to webinars and summits on everything from gut health to genetics, I signed up for a summit on perimenopause. During the summit, I learned about toxic heavy metals and their affect on health.

Where I am at Now

Since that summit, I have listened to hours of teaching on what research has been done on toxic heavy metals and application of that research.

Toxic heavy metals and their affect on our health is a more complicated topic than I have given it credit for. This is a big reason why I have been MIA the past few months. There is a lot to unpack and fact-check on toxic heavy metals.

Plus, when I start learning a new topic, I have to learn all I can about it so that I can fully understand how it fits into what I already know.

The best way I can describe how I get to the root of health symptoms is this…

The knowledge of how the world works is like a huge puzzle that you have to put together without having all the pieces or seeing what the puzzle is supposed to look like. The puzzle pieces are what you learn about the world, whether that’s from the Bible, science, history, philosophy, pyschology, your own observations, etc..

The tricky part is that without the picture of the puzzle, you may think you know how a specific piece fits in with the rest of the puzzle. However, until you put in the neighboring pieces, you won’t know if you’ve actually put the piece in right.

This is how I see the world, with my focus being on the portion of the puzzle related to health. I have a good grasp on how gut health fits into this puzzle, but I don’t quite understand how heavy metals fit yet. I probably won’t fully understand until I figure out the neighboring pieces surrounding heavy metals.

So, I’ve set out to do just that.

Right now I am learning about how to get toxic heavy metals out of the body safely. I’m also trying out a few of the detox techniques on myself (and my wonderful, trusting husband), and a few gentler techniques on my son.

Your health is important to me, so I want to be confident in what I suggest you can do to detox heavy metals safely and in the correct amounts. (You don’t want to accidentally remove “essential” heavy metals like iron or copper from your body.)

That being said, my next article will go into detail about why you should be concerned about toxic heavy metals here.

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