Quick Road Trip Foods That Are Easy, Affordable, and Healthy

Quick Road Trip Foods That Are Easy, Affordable and Healthy

Have you ever gone on a road trip and forgot to plan snacks or meals for the trip? What did do? Grab the first things in your pantry? Or did you run into the gas station while filling up to grab some snacks?

I’m definitely guilty of not planning snacks for a road trip. It just takes too much time to sit down and look up ideas on Pinterest. And then you feel guilty about the snacks you did pack, so you end up spending more money buying new snacks.

How about I make it easier on you by putting together a list of quick snacks you can take when you’re taking a road trip? Sound good?

Good, because this post is just that: your quick, easy, and affordable guide to road trip food that’s actually tasty. And better yet, all of these snacks are Dietitian-approved.

quick road trip foods that are easy, affordable and healthy

Before we get to that list, here are a few food tips when traveling…

– Fresh produce lasts longer when uncut, so cut right before eating
– Keep fresh produce in dark, cool place and eat within a day, except….
– Anything with an outer shell can last longer (i.e. bananas, oranges, avocados, grapefruit)
Unfriendly road trip foods: meats, dairy, eggs, produce and anything else refrigerated or frozen
Friendly road trip foods: dried, powdered, canned, or jarred meats, dairy, eggs or produce, plus any other items on the shelves at the store
– Best foods when no cooler: peanut butter, granola, oats, bananas, oranges, apples, jerky, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, chips
– Anything with chocolate or mashed bananas should be kept in a cool, dark place (unless you want a mess), or you can individually wrap or bag each item to prevent them from clumping
– If you’ve cooked it, you most likely need to refrigerate it (unless it’s a baked good like cookies)
– When in doubt, throw it out!

And remember that when you’re traveling, every snack ingredient counts…

As busy as you are when traveling, keep in mind that every ingredient in your snacks counts. This is especially true if you’re going to do a lot of walking, hiking, or moving around outside.

It is really important that every ingredient in your snack provides the nutrients you need to fuel your activities. That means that all that sugar in those store-bought snacks you got are wasted space.

Added sugar is a space waster. Yes, snacks taste better with sugar, but too much sugar is more harmful to you than helpful. And by the way, honey, though it has other health benefits, is still sugar.

This is why I looked for quick snack recipes with lower amounts of sugar in them. I also looked for snacks that packed in extra nutrients through flaxseed, chia seeds, and nuts.

Now, on to the road trip snack recipes…

Below are pictures of different road trip-able snacks. To get the recipe of a snack, click on the picture or the link below the picture.

For the Oatmeal Lovers…

Taste Better From Scratch's Healthy Oatmeal Protein Pancakes

Since oatmeal doesn’t keep well outside of the fridge for too long, here is a great alternative… Oatmeal pancakes! These pancakes are a great snack to eat when you’re on the road because they are quick to make, are not messy, and are really easy to eat.

You can even pack your typical (nonperishable) oatmeal or pancake toppings with it. Like bananas, peanut butter, chocolate chips, and/or syrup. Though syrup would make eating it in the car a little more… Messy.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes


Maybe I Will's Heavenly and Healthy No Bake Cookie Bars

If you like chocolate with your oats, then you will love this quick, no-bake snack. You need peanut butter, honey, coconut oil, rolled oats, and chocolate chips to make this. You can also try adding nuts and/or craisins to them if you wanted.

If you take these on a road trip, just make sure they stay out of the heat. I would hate if you had to stop along the way to clean up melted chocolate.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 20 minutes + 2-3 hours for bars to set


The Nutrition Twins' PB and Cocoa Banana Bites

Rolled oats make a great road trip food because they don’t need to be refrigerated.  If you like sweet things, then this recipe is for you. You can also add protein powder to ramp up the protein content.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes


The Real Food RDs' Trail Mix Energy Bites

Tired of trail mix? Here’s a recipe to mix it up. In this recipe, the chia seeds or flaxseed give these energy bites an extra bit of nutrition. Mmmm, good!

Total Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes


Lively Table's Monster Cookie Snack Bites

Love oatmeal monster cookies? Here is a no-bake version that cuts out the sugar without sacrificing the tastiness.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 5 minutes


For the Granola Lovers…

The Real Food RDs' Nut-free Paleo Granola

Need a grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo-approved recipe for granola? (That was a mouthful.) Well, look no further! This granola recipe is quick, easy, and free from common allergens.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 25 minutes


The Real Food RDs' No-Bake Fruit Nut Granola Bars

This recipe allows you to get the nutrients you need in an easy and compact snack. The best thing about it is that you can add or remove ingredients to fit your likings. And it’s cheap to make, too!

Total Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes


Creations By Kara's Homemade Granola Bars

These granola bars are easy to make and not as laden with sugar as many store-bought granola bars.

Sidenote, many complain that the bars crumble easily. So, if you want or need it to stay in bar form, then the next recipe may better meet your expectations.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 15-20 minutes (+10 minutes if toast oats before combining ingredients) + 2-3 hours to set


Pip and Ebby's Healthy no-bake granola bars

Another no-bake granola bar recipe, but this one has even less added sugar. These bars are a lot more compact and require fewer ingredients. So, if you’re looking for a quick easy granola bar, this recipe is what you’re looking for!

Total Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes


For the Peanut Butter Lovers…

Maybe I Will's rice crispy treats

If you love Rice Krispies but don’t want all the added sugar, here is a great alternative. The sugar used in this recipe is from honey, and peanut butter is used to hold it together (instead of marshmallow cream). This is not only great for kids but adults (like me) too.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes


Snacking in Sneakers's peanut butter honey cheerio bars

Here’s another tasty peanut buttery snack for you! All you need is coconut oil, honey, peanut butter, and Cheerios. Not bad, huh?

I’d recommend using Multigrain Cheerios, that way you get a little more fiber with this snack. And you will feel a little fuller longer (thanks to fiber).

Total Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes


Nutrition Twins' 5-ingredient microwave peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

What do you get when you combine rolled oats, peanut butter, chocolate, and a banana? A yummy, easy, protein-filled snack. Best part is that it only takes 5 minutes to cook.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes


For the Bread Lovers…

Bread is a great source of carbs when you need a quick pick-me-up. Even better, whole grain bread is a way to get more fiber (AKA feel fuller longer) in your diet.

Plus, you can cut up an apple or banana to put on it, and top it off with peanut butter, honey, nuts, or granola for extra nutrients. So, if you’re going on a road trip, grab a bag of whole grain bread to take with you and check out these recipes:

Jar of Lemons's apple cinnamon peanut butter breakfast toast

Apple Cinnamon Peanut Butter Breakfast Toast

Total Prep and Cook Time: 5 minutes


Jo Eats's Easy Toasts

*Not all of these recipes are road trip-able. However, the PB, Banana & Toasted Coconut Toast and the Avocado, Pomegranate & Chia Seed Toast are road trip-able. You can eat these before you get in the car, when taking a driving (or hiking/backpacking) break, or when the owner of the car you’re in doesn’t mind you getting crumbs in their car.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 5 minutes


Nutrition Twins' Skinny banana bread muffins

I love banana bread, but there is so much sugar in it. Here is a recipe that cuts down on the sugar by using unsweetened applesauce and yogurt. And making muffins instead of a loaf of bread makes this snack easier to eat on the go.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes


For the Nut Lovers…

Nutrition Twins' Coco Honey Nuts

Coco Honey Nuts

Almonds are great on-the-go snacks. If you want to spice up your almonds a little, here is a recipe for you. Warning, it’s recommended to eat these when warm because they tend to harden and clump when cooled.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 15-20 minutes


Lively Table's Easy 3 Ingredient Candied Pecans

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with plain pecans. But, if you’re looking for a way to satisfy your nut and sweets cravings at one time, then this recipe is for you. Very easy, super quick, and very tasty!

Total Prep Cook Time: 10 minutes + time to cool


Flavour and Savour's sweet and spicy pretzel nut snack mix

Ever get a craving for something sweet and salty when traveling? Here’s a recipe that is sweet, salty, and spicy all at the same time.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes


Pocket Change Gourmet's savory nut mix for the nut job

If you’re more of a savory kinda person, then this savory nut mix is for you. This recipe adds a little Chex Mix flavor to the nuts.

If you are going to be outside in the heat for longer than 30 minutes, then try this snack out. This nut mix is higher in salt/sodium so it will help replenish the sodium you lose from sweating.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 35 minutes


For the Chips and Dip Lovers…

When searching for road trip-able dips, I could not find any that did not require refrigeration. Since most dips use dairy or blended up vegetables, they have to be kept cold. Even the dips in the stores are recommended to be refrigerated after opening.

However, store-bought dips are made to be a little more stable outside of the fridge than homemade dips (AKA they add a whole lotta salt to them). Health-wise, I do not recommend making a habit of buying dips at the store. But, I don’t see a problem with eating store-bought dips every once in a while.

So, here are some dips you can look for at the store:

  • Salsa
  • Bean dip
  • Queso
  • French onion dip

Here are homemade dips that are recommended to stay chilled:

Maybe I Will's Italian white bean dip

An easy dip to make a few days before your trip. This dip is especially tasty with freshly cut vegetables.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes


Yummy Mummy Kitchen's date caramel sauce recipe

This caramel sauce uses dates to sweeten and thicken the sauce. You can find dates at most grocery stores. This dipping sauce may not need refrigeration.

Total Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes


A Spicy Perspective's best homemade salsa recipe

Where are all the salsa and chip lovers out there? I made a salsa based on this recipe last week and it was a hit! This recipe does not disappoint.

Plus, this would make a tasty snack food if you package it in a travel-friendly container with single-serving bags of chips. Just be careful not to spill!

Total Prep and Cook Time: 5-10 minutes


A Final Note on Road Trip Foods that Must Stay Cold

Fresh or frozen meats, dairy, eggs, and produce MUST be kept chilled. These foods are prime for growing bacteria if left out of the fridge for over 4 hours.

So, if you’re backpacking somewhere, do not take any snacks that can’t be stored in your pantry, or, if it’s canned or jarred, eaten within 24 hours after opening.

For those can take a cooler with ice or ice packs, You have a greater variety of foods that can be taken. However, you still have to make sure your bacteria-loving foods (meats, dairy, eggs, produce) are kept cold throughout your trip. Also, remember that produce lasts longer if left uncut until you’re ready to eat it.

If you do take bacteria-loving foods, I’d recommend you eat them within 6 hours of taking them out of the fridge.

The last thing I want is for you (or your friends/family/coworkers) to get sick on the trip!



Do you have a snack recipe you like to make for when you’re going on a road trip? I would love to hear what your favorite road trip foods are, so let me know in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “Quick Road Trip Foods That Are Easy, Affordable and Healthy”

    1. Thanks, Elaine! It is my pleasure to include your snack recipes – it looks so tasty! I LOVE pretzel nut mixes, so I can’t wait to try this one out!
      Thanks for reaching out!

  1. What a great list of road trip foods! I need to be better about packing stuff ahead of time; last week we went on a road trip and legit got so hungry that we bought an entire pie at a rest stop LOL!

    1. Thank you, Chrissy! Haha, I’m guilty of procrastinating on travel snack foods, so you’re definitely not alone. Hahahaha!! Maybe your body was telling you that y’all needed pie 😉 I have a bad habit of wanting to stop by every Dairy Queen or Chick-Fil-A to get ice cream. Especially with it being so hot here in Texas during the summer… So on our trips, we end up with a tub of ice cream instead of a pie 😂

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