Rebalancing Hormones

022 || Rebalancing Hormones: Where to Start

When I say rebalancing hormones, you may think that your hormones are fine and don’t need rebalancing. However, if you aren’t intentionally working to keep your hormones balanced then you are on the spectrum of hormone imbalance. (I’m sad to be the bearer of bad news.) So, if you’ve never realized before that you have to work to keep your hormones balanced, then this next series of episodes will give you quick tips on how you can do just that!

Rebalancing Hormones

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Rebalancing Your Hormones

Hormone imbalances run rampant among women today. Some women have lots of symptoms from their imbalance and others have none. There are also some who think they have none but their symptoms are only covered up by birth control or hormone replacement therapy. In this next series of episode, we’re going to talk about quick tips on how you can do just that!

Side-note, I know your life is busy, money doesn’t grow on trees, and you probably don’t have the desire to completely change your diet overnight. So, most of my tips will be changes to activities you already do – like buying groceries.

There are so many stages and areas to work on with rebalancing hormones that starting can be daunting and overwhelming. To make it more manageable and sustainable for you, we’re only going to focus on phase 1 – limiting your exposure to man-made substances that can get trapped in your body and disrupt your hormones. You might also hear these man-made substances, and some naturally-occurring substances, that are harmful to the health be called toxins.

Man-Made Substances and Hormones

I think a quick recap from the last episode is needed here. A man-made substance is anything in nature that was altered by man. We are not God, so our knowledge of how the body interacts with the world around it is very, very, very limited. So, when we mess with the natural design of things in nature, there will be detriments. Though we might gain convenience by consuming and using man-made products, it’s often at the cost of our health.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because man-made substances have been known to disrupt the body’s hormone balance.

So, the more we can limit our exposure to man-made substances, the better.

Now, I know we consume and use a plethora of man-made substances and it’s not practical to remove them all. This is why I say *limit* instead of remove. Where you can eliminate exposure – great! Where you can’t – just limit as best as you can.

Start a Health Journal

It may be easier to write things down to keep track of your progress. I suggest you get a journal or binder and make a list of products you feel the need to replace. Here are several things on my list right now – glass cleaner, toilet cleaner, make-up items, moisturizer, drinking water filter, and bathtub faucet filter. I’m adding items to my list all the time as I’m realizing new areas of exposure. 

The point here is to have a list so that you can be working towards limiting your (and your family’s) exposure. Sure you can’t get rid of everything. But, the best you can do is to be making progress on your list as financially able and time-allowing. The journal can also be a great encouragement to see what you have been able to accomplish. Since we, women, can beat ourselves down, sometimes we need a reminder of how far we’ve come when the doubts or guilt strikes.

To Sum Up This Episode

Man-made products are often detrimental to our health. So, limiting our exposure is the best we can do for our health and our families’ health. To help you keep track of your progress and not be too overwhelmed, make a list of items in your house you would like to replace. As for what goes on your list, the next episodes in this series will touch on that. We’ll start with chemicals in your home, so don’t miss next week’s episode! 


If you would like to have access to the list of things I’m trying to add/remove from our house, I’m giving access to it to those on my email list. If you aren’t getting my emails, you can subscribe here.

Show Notes

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Ready to start working on your hormone health but don’t know where to start? Consider working with me, then, and I will help you do just that!

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