Switching to a simple, intentional diet doesn’t need to be difficult

my Promise to You:

Project Healthy You

My ultimate goal is to help you get healthy without going broke. 
If you have (annoying) minor health probs, I want to help you be free of them.
If you don’t feel healthy or don’t think you look healthy, I want to help you be confident of your body and health.
Don’t want to develop major health probs? I want to help you prevent them.
My promise to you is to do whatever I can to help you look and feel healthy again.

But, you have no (major) health probs, so why should you care?

I bet you already know that third world countries deal with infections and malnutrition.
But, did you know that first world countries deal with over-sterilization and malnutrition?

Here in America, we have plenty of food (at least compared to other countries).
So, we can’t possibly have problems with malnutrition, right?

Unfortunately, no.
Here in America we have sacrificed quality of our food for quantity.
And now we suffer from eating too many nutrient-lacking foods.

If you don’t believe me, here are the stats in America…


  • Two thirds of the population are overweight or obese (from NIH)
  • 1 person dies from cardiovascular disease every 38 seconds (from AHA)
  • About 30 million have diabetes & 84 million have prediabetes (from ADA)
  • Roughly 24 million have an autoimmune disease (AARDA estimates 50 million)
  • 60-70 million are affected by a digestion disease (from NIH)
  • About 50 million people had chronic pain & 20 million had high-impact chronic pain in 2016 (from CDC)
  • Over 1.7 million new cases of cancer is expected to be diagnosed this year (from NCI)
  • Number of new cancer cases per year is expected to rise to 23.6 million by 2030 worldwide (from NCI)

 These health problems are only symptoms of deeper problems going on.
And one of those deeper problems is our diet.
Specifically, our nutrient-lacking diets and health-draining lifestyles.

How often have you heard, "it's just a sign of getting older" or "it's in my genes"?

What if I were to tell you that those “reasons” for your symptoms don’t have to be so?
Because health probs have become so normal, we’ve just accepted them as bring inevitable. 
But, there is a way to defy those odds… It starts with making healthy diet and lifestyle changes. 

What can you do to defy your genes?

As of right now, I have three options for you.
You have two free options – read my articles without guidance, or be sent emails guiding you through my articles.
You have one paid option – become a member of my membership site (keep reading to learn more).



I’ll guide you through articles on my blog that can help you address your specific health annoyances.



I’ll guide you through my articles and tools that can help you address your specific health annoyances.

Membership Site

(As little as $5/month)

I’ll guide you through making healthy diet changes through one-on-one consults, courses, community, and more.

Let’s face it, life is expensive.

From house payments and car insurance to grocery and utilities bills, you can’t afford in time or money to go see someone to help you resolve your symptoms.
You’ve probably already seen a Doctor who told you nothing new and sent you home with a bag of pills and an expensive “I don’t know” diagnosis.

I want you to know right now that there is an explanation for your symptoms.

There’s hope for you still.
👉 If you want to see what free stuff I have available for you, you can join my email list (for free) here.

👉 If you’re ready to jump in and get rid of your health annoyances, it’s time to see an Integrative and Functional Dietitian or Doctor. If you can’t afford $300 to $1,000 upfront but are ready to do something about your symptoms, my membership site will be perfect for you. Learn more here.

My Membership Site is under construction and I'm hoping to open the doors by the end of this year.

I created ‘Project Healthy You’ last year, which is my promise to help you better heal and nourish your body. At that time, I did not know how to provide you with what you need to get healthy without going broke myself. A year later, I’ve crafted a subscription-based membership site that will walk you through making healthy lifestyle changes to target the possible causes of your symptoms.

However, great things take time.
So, I’m working hard to craft a site that will truly help you resolve your health annoyances.
If you’re interested in an affordable way to do that, you can sign-up to get email updates on what’s happening with the site and be a part of its development. Just click the button below to sign-up 👇

How will my membership site help you get healthy?



Through courses, resources, articles, and referrals, I’ll provide you the info you’ll need to nourish and heal your body.



Accountability is key. You’ll be able to build up and support others on their journey while they build up and support you on yours.



You’ll have access to one-on-one consults with me while you’re a member. I’ll also be building up and supporting you in the community.

What do I do now?

I hope you’re ready to jump right in on my membership site once it’s launched!
You can stay updated on when it will launch by clicking the “Keep Me Updated” button below.

If you’re still not sure if this is right for you, check out my free ‘5 Mistakes Busy People Make with Their Diets’ guide below.
I think you’ll learn a little more about yourself after reading it!