How to Prevent (More) Heavy Metal Damage in Your Body

How to Prevent (More) Heavy Metal Damage in Your Body

In the last article, we talked about how “non-essential” heavy metals can get into the body and cause all sorts of unusual symptoms (like brain fog and short-term memory loss). Plus, we talked about what to look out for to check if you have heavy metals in your body. In this article, we’ll dig into how you can prevent (more) heavy metal damage in your body.

The Two Overall Steps to Heal Your Body from Heavy Metal Damage

In order to prevent heavy metal damage, you have to do two things:

1) Limit your exposure to “non-essential” heavy metals and

2) Remove whatever is blocking heavy metals from naturally getting out of your body and your brain

Ideally, if you do these two things, your body should be able to slowly heal itself from any past heavy metal damage. By limiting your exposures to “non-essential” heavy metals, you’ll also be preventing any further heavy metal damage.

Sidenote: “Non-essential” heavy metals are just one of the many toxic materials that can get inside your body and prevent your body from functioning correctly. We will focus on heavy metals in this article so that you don’t get overwhelmed.

How to Prevent (More) Heavy Metal Damage in Your Body

Why You Don’t Want Dangerous Heavy Metals in Your Body

Before we get into how to get heavy metals out of your body, let’s refresh on some potential consequences of having “non-essential” heavy metals in your body:

  • Mess with your hormones (and fertility)
  • Cause mood swings, depression, anxiety
  • Prevent weight loss while causing weight gain
  • Negatively affect your memory and ability to focus
  • Block your liver from detoxing and your body from removing toxic material (leading to more damage)

How to Start Detoxing Heavy Metals Out of Your Body

Now that we’ve revisited the dangers of “non-essential” heavy metals in the body, the #1 essential thing you can start doing today is limiting your exposures to “non-essential” heavy metals. Even if you don’t think you have problems with heavy metals, these are things you can do to limit any potential damage in the future.

Here’s how to limit your heavy metal exposures:

  • Get your metal fillings/amalgams removed safely by a dentist who knows how to remove them safely (you can find one here)
  • Treat any infected areas where you’ve had a root canal or wisdom teeth taken out
  • Replace aluminum deodorant with aluminum-free deodorant
  • Eat organic food (if you can’t afford 100% organic, here is a list of 12 fruits and vegetables that have the most pesticides on them to replace with organic versions)
  • Switch to more natural personal care items, cleaners, detergents, soaps, etc. (at least limit ingredients you can’t pronounce or don’t recognize)

Overwhelmed? Here are a Few Tips for You

First, know that you are already on the right track. There are so many people who have no idea that “non-essential” heavy metals (among other toxic materials) are probably causing a lot of damage to our bodies. Many don’t even know that heavy metals exist. But you do – that’s a great place to start.

Now that you’re aware of the health consequences of “non-essential” heavy metals, you must act. The first and essential step to take is limiting as many sources of heavy metals as you can. Limiting exposures to heavy metals is crucial to detoxing. If you don’t remove your main exposures, then any detox you do will be short-lived and a waste of money. If you want to detox correctly, then you have to start with this step and do it correctly.

My Take on All of This Heavy Metal Stuff

I have researched many hours into this topic of “non-essential” heavy metals and their harm to health. I am thoroughly convinced that there is truth to our over-exposure to heavy metals. However, since everything I have heard and read has been through other people’s stories, I must see if a heavy metal detox actually works or not for myself. More development on this in the future once I figure out how to test the theories!

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