Episode 03 Being Perfect Isn't the Goal Anyways

Episode 03 || Being Perfect Isn’t The Goal, Anyways

The first guideline I use with clients to help them attain good health is being honest with yourself. My second guideline is being realistic with yourself (note, being perfect is not the goal). Making realistic changes with healthy boundaries and good accountability is key to having good health! We’ll dig more into this in the episode below.

Being Perfect Isn't the Goal Anyways

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

The whole point of this episode is to emphasize that being perfect isn’t the goal. If you tend to expect perfection from yourself, then you must let it go. No one is judging you for eating that piece of chocolate or candy or for not eating a salad. If you want good health, you must be realistic with who you are and what you need.

Here’s what you’ll learn from this episode:

– The importance of being realistic about your strengths, weaknesses, and needs
– What to do if you find yourself unable to be honest with yourself
– What being realistic with yourself looks like (and doesn’t look like)
– The Giveaway I’m having this week only ❗❗

Show Notes

One Hour Goals Coaching Giveaway – starts November 10, 2020 and closes November 13, 2020 at 11:59 pm EST. Learn more about it in the episode above!

To enter Giveaway – 1) subscribe to my podcast, 2) write a review for my podcast, and 3) tag a friend in my Instagram launch post or Facebook launch post who you think would also love my podcast!

*You must be 18 years or older and live in the United States to be eligible to win the giveaway.

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