overlooked toxins

025 || Rebalancing Hormones: Overlooked Toxins

Rebalancing your hormones is incredibly important to being and feeling healthy again. We’ve covered chemicals in your home, and what to buy at the grocery store in the last two episodes of this series. Now, we’re going to talk about three areas of overlooked toxins.

overlooked toxins

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Three Areas of Overlooked Toxins

We’ve covered chemicals in your home, in the food you buy. Now we’re going to talk about chemicals that hide in your body.

Side-note, I’m going to use the word “toxins” in this episode to refer to all things we take into our bodies that are hazardous to our health. “Toxins” include man-made substances, toxic heavy metals, etc.

Area #1: The Mouth

The first area of our body I want to talk about that is exposed to overlooked toxins is the mouth.

Do you have any metal fillings? Well, the metal from those fillings slowly leaks into the body over time. Mercury fillings are particularly dangerous. This is why dentists have to wear protective equipment when removing mercury fillings.

Another area in the mouth prone to toxins is any kind of cavity created by surgery, whether it’s from a root canal or removal of wisdom teeth (etc.). If the cavity is not healed properly, an infection could develop in that cavity. You wouldn’t even know you had an infection there because you can’t see it.

Area #2: The Vagina

The second area that is exposed to toxins is unique for us, women – your vagina. Everything you put in or around your vagina, from tampons to birth control devices to lube to anti-fungal cream, can bring along chemicals with it. These chemicals alter the vaginal flora (or bacteria), which can cause issues with hormones (and thus fertility).

Area #3: Fat

The last area I want to talk about that has overlooked toxins is your body itself. God designed the body in an incredible way that it stores toxins in fat for protection. Toxic chemicals in the bloodstream can wreak havoc anywhere they end up. So, the body stores them in fat to minimize their damage.

This is why you might feel miserable after working out. And I don’t mean feeling sore but having brain fog, lethargy, a headache, or migraine post-workout. The reason for this is because exercise burns fat, which causes the release of the toxins that were stored in the fat into the bloodstream. I know the symptoms that follow probably make you not want to work out again, but it’s the body’s way of telling you that your liver is overloaded. That your body can’t remove the toxins faster than they are being released.

So, if you are having trouble losing weight, though you’re eating healthier and exercising, it might be because your body is protecting you from the toxins stored in the fat.

Limit Your Exposure First

This is why it is essential to limit further exposure to toxins. As easy as they are to put into our body, it is much more difficult to get them out. Therefore, limiting our exposure is the best place to start.

As for how to get the toxins out once they are in the body, exercise and fasting are great options. However, you need to make sure the toxins are able to be moved to your liver and removed safely and promptly. That way they can’t cause any more damage. This leads us to phase 2 of balancing your hormones – eliminating toxins (or detoxing).

Phase 2 of Rebalancing Your Hormones: Detox

There is a lot of information and steps to detoxing the body. There are also lots of programs, supplements, and diets out there that can help you detox, which is super overwhelming and can get really expensive REAL fast. However, I want to provide you practical steps you can take to detox that align with the diet philosophy I talked about in episodes 6-9.

Because I believe God designed the body with innate intelligence and that man-made products aren’t the best solution, I don’t know what I agree with yet in the detox realm. Most detoxes out there use man-made products (I.e. supplements) Or, they use some rare expensive food no one has heard of before. I just don’t feel right about that.

There may be a time and place to use man-made products, especially with years of toxic chemicals building up in the body. But, I need to do a little more digging to see if there’s a simple, natural way to detox that relies on the body doing what it knows it needs to do and not on what we think it needs to do. Since I need to do more research, I’ll have to pause on this series for a little while. If you’re on my email list, I’ll keep you updated on what I find on this. Once I have a better idea of simple and natural tools we can use to detox the body, I will pick this series back up.


I hope you gleaned something from this episode. If you have any questions or comments then you can leave them on the blog page for this episode. Link in show description.

Next week, we’re going to start a new series of episodes on Biblical principles you can apply to how you diet. “See” you then!

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Other Resources

Want to learn more about how to eat and live according to God’s design? Subscribe to my podcast on Podbean, Apple, Google, or Stitcher.

Ready to start working on your hormone health but don’t know where to start? Consider working with me, then, and I will help you do just that!

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