Episode 02 Don't Be Your Own Obstacle to Good Health

02 || Don’t Be Your Own Obstacle to Good Health

For you to be able to diet successfully for good health, you MUST, first, be honest with yourself. You might find that the biggest obstacle to good health is not money or time but you. In this episode of my podcast, we are going to talk about the importance of being honest with yourself.

Episode 02 Don't Be Your Own Obstacle to Good Health

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

The main focus of this episode, ‘Don’t Be Your Own Obstacle to Good Health’, we will focus on why it is ESSENTIAL to, first, be honest with yourself. This episode is the first of 10 where we will go over the diet guidelines I use with my clients. If you can’t get this guideline right, you won’t be able to work towards better health. The goal of this episode is to help you move forward towards better health and diet choices.

Here’s what you’ll learn from this episode:

– At the root of being honest with yourself is exposing the lies you’ve believed about yourself or God
– How to find the lies you’ve been telling yourself
– Aligning actions to personal convictions is a sign of being honest with yourself
– The Giveaway I’m having this week only ❗❗

Show Notes

One Hour Goals Coaching Giveaway – starts November 10, 2020 and closes November 13, 2020 at 11:59 pm EST. Learn more about it in the episode above!

To enter Giveaway – 1) subscribe to my podcast, 2) write a review for my podcast, and 3) tag a friend in my Instagram launch post or Facebook launch post who you think would also love my podcast!

*You must be 18 years or older and live in the United States to be eligible to win the giveaway.

Liked This Episode and Want More?

If you enjoyed this diet guideline, you’ll love the next ones! Subscribe to my podcast to keep up-to-date with new episodes. You can also check out other episodes here.

If you want to learn how to diet by God’s design but need help doing it, consider working with me!

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