3 Things to Avoid When Looking for a Detox

3 Things to Avoid When Looking for a Detox

In the last article, we talked about the critical first step in preventing (more) heavy metal damage in your body. In this article, we’re going to talk about what’s effective and what to avoid when looking for a detox.

I have been researching heavy metals and how to safely get them out of the body for a few months now. I realized it would probably be helpful to you if I’d share what I’ve learned is safe and effective in getting heavy metals out. This is a newer field in the research department, so there are not a lot of studies on how to get heavy metals out of the body just yet.

Though it’s a newer research topic, the idea of detoxing has been around for a very long time. There are a lot of “detoxes” and “cleanses” out there. But, most of them are either unsafe or ineffective in the long-term.

Let’s talk about what steps to look for and what to avoid when looking for a heavy metal detox.

3 Things to Avoid When Looking for a Detox

What to Avoid When Looking for a Detox

Here are some things to avoid for when looking for a detox to do:

1) Someone claims you can just take a bunch of supplements or eat a specific diet (i.e. juice cleanse) to detox heavy metals

Detoxing is a lifestyle that targets the whole body. You cannot get heavy metals out safely by only taking supplements.

2) Cleanses or detoxes that target specific organs (i.e. liver or gut cleanses)

Though a detox may include a cleanse, you cannot get heavy metals out of your body by doing a cleanse that targets one organ. Several of your organs are able to store heavy metals.

3) Heavy metal detoxes that promise to remove all heavy metals in under 6 months

No detox is able to get all heavy metals out of your body in under 6 months. If you tried, it could cause major irreversible damage. Your body stores heavy metals in fat because they are dangerous to your body. So, if you pull them out of the fat, the metals can travel freely in the blood if they aren’t any binders present. Heavy metals traveling freely in your blood is dangerous.

Therefore, you would be wise to avoid any detox that tries to remove heavy metals quickly.

Though there is urgency here, a heavy metal detox is worthless if it does not actually remove heavy metals from your body or causes you harm. The goal is to remove heavy metals from your body safely and effectively to prevent any more damage, not create more damage.

What a Detox Should Do

If you Google ‘how to detox’, I want to caution you.

There is not one supplement or diet that can get heavy metals out of the body. I know there are many cleanses and detoxes out there, like juice cleanses, liver detoxes, and colon cleanses. However, getting heavy metals out of the body is a complicated thing and can be very dangerous if done wrong.

Here are the basic steps you should look for in a detox:

  • Address the root cause of how the metals got in the body in the first place
  • Limit exposure to heavy metals and other toxic chemicals
  • Optimize diet to provide what the body needs to get the metals out of the body
  • Get all of the body’s drainage systems working
  • Use a safe binder to get the metals out of the cells and the body safely

As you can see, detoxing heavy metals is a very complicated process. Every step listed above is necessary for a detox program to actually get heavy metals out of your body safely.

I hope this article helps you when you’re looking for a detox that is both safe and effective. But, more importantly, I hope it helps you avoid unsafe and ineffective detoxes and cleanses.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment for me below!

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