innate intelligence

014 || Your Body Has Innate Intelligence

In the last episode, we talked about the importance of getting to the root of your symptoms. If you don’t address the root, you’ll be stuck in a perpetual game of Whack-a-Mole. So, let’s talk about how your body has an innate intelligence that can help you whack all your symptoms using a simple technique.

Innate Intelligence

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

Getting to the root of your symptoms is no easy task. Here’s a little secret that makes the task even more complicated… We, health professionals, know very little how the body actually works.

You can think of how God designed the body to work as a huge puzzle. We only have a few pieces of that puzzle put together, yet we don’t know what the picture is supposed to look like or even if the pieces we have together are even in the right spot. Simply put – our knowledge and understanding of the body is incredibly lacking. This makes sense because we’re not God; we don’t know how He designed everything to work,

This leads me to one of my strongest beliefs yet… God created the body to have innate intelligence. Though we don’t know what to do when a health event comes up, the body does. We may not even understand why the body does what it does sometimes, but we can trust that God designed it to respond that way for a reason.

So, if our body is smarter than we are, how do we get to the root of our unwanted health symptoms? That is what we talk about in this episode of my podcast!

Here’s what you’ll learn from the episode:

  • The pitfall with treating off labs and tests
  • Why health professionals’ knowledge should always be reforming
  • What it means for the body to have innate intelligence
  • A simple tool that uses your body’s innate intelligence to get to the root of your symptoms

You can listen to the episode below:

Show Notes

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Ready to get down to the root of your health symptoms but don’t know where to start? Consider working with me, then, and I will help you do just that!

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