What Everybody Ought to Know About Healthy Eating

What Everybody Ought to Know About Healthy Eating

When you hear the word diet what do you think of? If you were to go on a diet, why would you do it? There are hundreds, if not thousands, of diets out there claiming many things from weight loss to “healthy eating”. But, somewhere amidst the diet frenzy we’ve lost sight of why we even diet in the first place.

So, Cait, why do we diet?

Great question. Let’s explore that why now…

what everybody ought to know about healthy eating

The True Purpose of Dieting

As you dig a little deeper into dieting, you will find that at the core of dieting most people just want to eat in a way that is going to keep them healthy.

If you eat healthily, you will be at a healthy weight. You won’t need to detox. Neither will you need to seek out other remedies for more energy or better focus.

Have I persuaded you towards eating healthy yet? This may sound all great, but now you may be wondering what exactly healthy eating is. Sadly, healthy eating is another concept that’s meaning has become lost over the years.

What is Healthy Eating?

Healthy eating, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, is when you eat in a way that promotes your healthy weight and your best health. One thing to note here is that healthy eating isn’t a one-size-fits-all way of eating. There can’t be just one way to eat healthy because we all have different genes, have different life experiences, and live in different environments, among several other factors that affect our health.

How many of you go into a store, pick up a random pair of jeans (not looking at the size or fit) and try them on? Do you expect the jeans to fit? Of course not. Sometimes you may get lucky and the jeans are exactly your size and the fit you like, but most likely the pair of jeans will be too big or too small, or maybe a little baggy around the butt.

So, if we don’t expect just any pair of jeans to fit, why do we expect just any diet to fit our lifestyle and preferences? [clickToTweet tweet=”If we don’t expect just any pair of jeans to fit, why do we expect just any diet to fit? #health @platewithcait” quote=”If we don’t expect just any pair of jeans to fit, why do we expect just any diet to fit?” theme=”style5″]

I apologize to those who have read this far expecting to find a formula for eating healthy. It, unfortunately, is not that easy. What I can give you, though, is a few signs of what healthy eating is and is not…

Characteristics of Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is NOT restrictive but allows moderation of all foods. It does NOT cause guilt but rather builds confidence. It is NOT a one-size-fits-all way of eating but a way of eating that is flexible to your lifestyle, likes, and dislikes. Last but not least, healthy eating is fun, adventurous, and should lead you to know yourself a little better – what tastes, textures, and smells you prefer most.

Now, if you’re still not convinced about healthy eating, then you should check out all the benefits of healthy eating. If you are ready to jump in and start your journey towards healthy eating, then you should check out the first step in making changes that last.

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