04 || Fighting Health Lies and Scams with a Critical Spirit

Let’s face it. There is A LOT of health information out there. So, how can you tell health lies and scams from the truth? This is exactly what we cover in episode 4 of my podcast, Diet By God’s Design!

Fighting Health Lies and Scams

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

Discerning between health lies and scams and health truth can be overwhelming! In this episode you’ll learn:

– When would you need to seek the truth in regards to your health or diet
– Health and diet lies keep you from good health and keep you feeling ashamed/guilty
– What to do when you come across new health information (step 1 – keep it in CONTEXT)
– How to spot false health prophets
– Bible verses commanding us to have a critical spirit of what is claimed as truth

Listen to episode 04 below:

My Commitment to You

At the end of the episode, I leave you with a commitment that I will do my best to seek and speak the truth. Too often I come across individuals in the health realm who state unproven theories as absolute truth. I do not want to be like those individuals, but rather, I want to question health and diet beliefs to find what is true and what is not, regardless of what’s accepted in the mainstream.

I also commit to you that I will be honest with you when I’m unsure or don’t know something. I’m not afraid of not knowing, and I will be the first to admit that I do not know everything. I have a lot to learn about how God designed this world to work, and I want to share what I learn about His design with you.

Show Notes

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If you want to learn more about how to diet and live according to God’s design, you can subscribe to my podcast on Podbean, Apple, Google, or Stitcher. If you want to work one-on-one with me to start living by God’s design for our health, then you can learn more here.

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