Health Decision Be a Sin

012 || Can My Health Decision Be a Sin?

Recently, I’ve been thinking about this question – can making a certain health decision be a sin? I’ve wrestled with this question myself, especially as a mom making health decisions for my sons. So, I want to dig into this question with you, in case you may be struggling with it too.

Health Decision Be a Sin

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

The question – Can my health decision be a sin? – is a serious and tricky one. Unfortunately, we aren’t given direct instructions in the Bible for every health decision we will make. However, we can take principles given to us in the Bible and apply them to our decisions.

In this episode, we will talk about:

  • What makes any decision a sin
  • How we cannot live by God’s design on our own
  • What you may really be asking if you’re a Jesus-follower
  • How 1 Corinthians 6:12 can be applied here
  • What God looks at when you’re making a health decision
  • Three questions to ask yourself before making a health decision

Quick Disclaimer…

Before you listen to the episode, I apologize for the quality of this recording. When I recorded it, my family and I were transitioning back into our home after being nomads for 11 months. So, I was very limited on where I could record!

Speaking of recording, I started recording this episode in one room but had to transition into the bathroom to escape from my (very active) toddler. So, forgive me for any difficulty listening to this episode! The content is good, though, so don’t miss out on this one!

You can listen to the episode below:

Show Notes

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Ready to diet by God’s design so you can be confident of your health decisions? Consider working with me, then, and I will help you do just that!

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