Healing As Much As It's In Your Power

010 || Healing As Much As It’s In Your Power

Want to get pregnant or lose weight but can’t seem to attain it? In this episode of my podcast, we dig into what healing as much as it’s in your power means. If you’re frustrated with not reaching your health goals, then you’ll want to check this one out!

Healing as much as it's in your power

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

In the last episode, episode 09, we talked about how our rebellion against God’s natural law has caused the health issues we face today. In this episode – Healing How Much As It’s In Your Power – we’re going to talk about how much we are able to heal our bodies after rebelling against God’s natural law for so long.

To break down this concept, we talk about how your health is like layers of an onion. (You’ve got to listen to the episode to learn how!) We, then, talk about what our responsibility is regarding our health. Plus, we dig into what response God has to our health.

I’ll give you a glimpse of what we talk about…

“At the end of the day, God is sovereign and we are not. He does what He does for our good (that’s His definition of good, not ours) and that He may be glorified through our health.”

Interested in hearing more? Listen to it below:

Show Notes

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Want to learn more about how to diet and live according to God’s design? Subscribe to my podcast on Podbean, Apple, Google, or Stitcher.

Ready to submit to God’s design for your health? Ready to heal as much as it’s in your power to do so? Consider working with me, then, and I will help you figure out how to do just that!

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