good health without a restrictive diet

020 || How Sara Found Good Health Without a Restrictive Diet

I sat down with a former client of mine so she could share her health journey over the past year. Before we started working together, she wasn’t ovulating, was getting sick multiple times a year, dealing with severe reactions to eating gluten, and struggling with anxiety. Check out how she has finally found good health without a restrictive diet!

good health without a restrictive diet

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

One of the best things about working with clients is seeing their health journey from start to finish. In this episode, I interviewed my first client, Sara. Before we started working together, she was trying to get pregnant but wasn’t ovulating. Plus, she was struggling with many other symptoms of a hormone imbalance and gut bacteria imbalance (aka dysbiosis). When asked what she wanted to accomplish long-term after working together, she said she wanted to have good health without a restrictive diet.

After about 3 months of working together, we cut her symptoms down by a third. She also started ovulating after her first 24-hour fast. At the end of our 6 months together, she not only completed a 3-day fast but had an even bigger accomplishment. You’ll have to listen to her story below to hear what that accomplishment was! (You don’t want to miss this.)

Listen to Sara’s story here:

Show Notes

If Sara’s story inspired you, then please leave her a comment below! I know she would love to hear from others who are (or were) where she was.

Want to learn more about how to eat and live according to God’s design? Subscribe to my podcast on Podbean, Apple, Google, or Stitcher.

Ready to get down to the root of your health symptoms but need some direction and accountability? Consider working with me, and I will help you find good health without a restrictive diet!

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