How To Fit In Exercise When You Have No Time

How To Fit In Exercise When You Have No Time

Since you’re most likely reading this because your time is limited, here is a quick list of ways you can fit in exercise when you have no time.

  • Do one rep of exercises during each commercial break or all reps between shows if watching Netflix or Hulu
  • Do exercises when waiting for food to cook
  • Park far away (during the day)
  • Use a hand-held basket at the store (when possible)
  • Carry your bags to your car instead of using the cart (when possible)
  • Ride your bike or walk when traveling nearby
  • Take 30 minutes from your lunch break to walk around your workplace or do a few exercises
  • Strap on weights when walking
  • Take the stairs
  • What activity that gets you up and moving do you enjoy doing most? Schedule 30 minutes for you to do that activity every day.


Now that you know what ways we’re going to talk about, let’s get to the details on how to fit them into your hectic schedule.

exercise when you have no time

But First, Mindset

Before we can start talking exercise, we have to talk commitment and accountability. I am so bad at this part.

If you aren’t planning on being intentionally active every day, then why try so many different workouts? It’s kind of like dating a bunch of people without the intention to marry. If you aren’t looking to commit, then what’s the point?

In the end, you’re actually missing out on all the wonderful health benefits of exercise if you’re not committing to one. If this is you, then it sounds like you need a mindset check. Don’t worry, I’m especially preaching to myself here.

First, you have to commit to being intentionally active every day in some kind of way.

You don’t have to do the same thing every day; you just have to commit to doing something active. Sorry, couch potatoes, watching TV or sitting on the couch does not count. And this includes those of you who work in front of a computer all day (guilty here).

For those who are those who are super busy but want to fit in being active somehow, commit to however much time you can give up right now to exercise.

What will make exercising a part of your routine is meeting yourself where you are at right now. If that’s only having time for 5 minutes of exercise, then let’s make it the best workout possible.

Once those 5 minutes become a part of your routine, try to find another 5 minutes you can devote to being active. And after you’re in the routine of being active for 10 minutes, try to add another 5 minutes somewhere.

You see, one small step at a time is the key to long-term success with exercise. You just have to keep moving forward. Complacency is not your friend here.

Second, you need to find accountability.

Accountability can come in all shapes and sizes.

For some, having a workout buddy is the only way they will stick to their commitment. For others, using an app or scheduling a competition will keep them motivated and committed.

Personally, I need someone to hold me accountable. I’m not very good at staying motivated or committed if my husband isn’t breathing down my neck (love you, honey).

So, whatever will help you stay motivated and committed, seek it out.

Unfortunately, you won’t get many benefits from exercise if you don’t keep doing it. Which is why it’s essential to commit and stay accountable for making it a part of your every day.

Now on to the actual ways you can fit in exercise when you have no time…

For Those Who Like to Watch TV:

Do one rep of exercises like these during each commercial break. Or, if you tend to be a Netflix or Hulu binge-watcher, then do all reps of an exercise between each episode. Doing all reps at one time is actually better for building your cardio, anyways!

For Those Who Cook (or Heat Up) Their Meals:

Do exercises like these when waiting for food to cook or warm up. If you don’t think you have time to do an exercise while cooking, look for the times you are waiting for water to boil, heating something up in the microwave or on the stove, or waiting for meat to brown.

If you only have 5 minutes, then try your best to fit in as many exercises as you can. That way you are increasing the intensity of your workout, which is great for cardio.

For Those Who Drive Somewhere:

Park far away from your destination.

If you’re going to the grocery store or work, park towards the back of the parking lot. If you’re going over to a friend’s, park down the street instead of right in front of their house.

If you don’t feel safe in the area or if it’s at night, then park as close as you feel safe to walk. Your safety is definitely more important than exercise.

For Those Who Do the Shopping:

When possible, use a hand-held basket at the store. Now you have an easy weight to carry around the store with you.

Sidenote: This is also a great tip for those who need help limiting their spending.

Also, carry your bags to the car instead of using the cart. Of course, if you buy all your groceries at one time, then this may not be possible. But, it’s great for when you’re stopping in the store for a few items. Carrying your bags to the car is a great way to add a little extra weight while you walk.

For Those Who Live Near Their Destination:

Ride your bike or walk when you are going somewhere nearby if weather-permitting.

Of course, be safe and wear a helmet if you’re riding your bike around cars. And if you’re walking or riding your bike at night, wear bright colors so you can be seen by drivers.

Also, don’t walk or ride your bike somewhere that you are unfamiliar with. Be smart and be safe.

For Those Who Work All Day:

Take 30 minutes from your lunch break to walk around your workplace. I know you have work to do, but I promise you’ll be more productive after you get your blood pumping a little.

Or, if you don’t have somewhere you can walk, do a few simple office exercises like these to get your blood pumping. Your brain will thank me later.

For Those Who Do a Lot of Walking:

Strap on weights when you’re walking. That way you can do what you need to do while adding a little resistance. You can also strap on weights when you’re doing things around the house.

Unfortunately, strapping on weights when you’re sitting on the couch doesn’t do anything for you. So, just have the weights handy when you know you’re going to be moving around.

Sidenote: moms, babies make great weights.

For Those Who Take Elevators or Escalators:

Try taking the stairs instead. If you are carrying stuff that doesn’t allow you to see your feet, then you are excused from the stairs. Again, safety is more important.

If your destination is on the 30th floor, then, of course, take the stairs for only as many flights you can handle. Over time you should be able to climb all 30 flights, though. Now, that would be impressive!

Sidenote: If you’re taking several flights of stairs, just remember to put on deodorant and bring cologne or perfume to put on afterward. You may be a little sweaty after climbing all those stairs.

For Those Who Don’t Like Any of the Above Suggestions:

What activity gets you up and moving that you enjoy doing? Maybe it’s working in the garden, doing projects around the house, doing yoga, or running around with your kids. Whatever it is schedule 30 minutes for you to do that activity every day.

Yes, that’s right… Every day.

There should be something active that you enjoy doing. If not, then try different things until you find some activity you enjoy doing. Then commit to doing that activity every day.

If you can’t spare 30 minutes of your time, then start with 5 minutes. Then try to increase that time to 30 minutes over time, if you can. Otherwise, you can just find several sets of 5 minutes throughout the day that you can dedicate to that activity.

For Those Who Want to DIY Their Own Workout:

Here is a list of exercises that target the main muscle groups. You can use this list (or find another) to put together your own workout.

Just remember to target different muscle groups and mix up your exercise routine every few weeks.

That’s all I have on how you can exercise when you have no time!



Do any of these suggestions fit in with your likings? Any of them something you can start including in your daily routine? Or do you have something else you do that helps you be intentionally active? Let me know in the comments below!

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