Don't Marry Your Diet

05 || Don’t Marry Your Diet

Many people are under the belief that they must commit themselves to a diet to reach their health goals. However, I say – don’t marry your diet or any other specific method to reach your health goals. Learn why and what to commit to instead in this episode of my podcast!

Don't Marry Your Diet

What You’ll Learn in This Episode

As I said above, what you commit to in regards to reaching your health goals is ESSENTIAL! If you commit to the wrong thing, you could get off-track from actually having good health. Furthermore, different diets and methods of reaching health goals have different effects on the body. Therefore, how do you know when you’ve chosen the “right” diet or lifestyle change to get to the root of your health annoyances?

All this is covered in this episode of my podcast – Don’t Marry Your Diet. Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

– DON’T marry yourself to a specific diet or method
– What to commit to instead
– How long you must try a specific diet or method to see results
– Why you shouldn’t marry your diet or any other method of reaching your health goals

Listen to the episode below…

Show Notes

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If you want to learn more about how to diet according to God’s design, you can subscribe to my podcast on Podbean, Apple, Google, or Stitcher to stay up-to-date with new episodes.

If you want to work one-on-one with me to start living by God’s design for our health, then you can learn more here. I can help you commit to the right things and avoid committing to the things that are actually blocking you from reaching your health goals. If this sounds level of accountability and direction is something you need, you can learn more about working with me here.

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