Diet By God’s Design Podcast Trailer

Have you tried diet after diet, supplement after supplement, and still can’t seem to achieve good health? Do you want to heal your body naturally but the only options you’ve been told about involve medications or surgery? If so, then my podcast, Diet By God’s Design, is for you!

Diet By God's Design podcast

I’m starting a new podcast called Diet By God’s Design. The goal of this podcast is to breakdown the lies we’ve adopted about the design of our bodies (especially in regards to our health) and replace them with the truth of God’s intelligent design for our bodies (and our health). Many of today’s medical beliefs and practices are based on the the belief that we have evolved from bacteria over millions (if not billions) of years. As a follower of Christ and believer of the Bible, I cannot get behind those beliefs or practices.

All this to say, my podcast will address the premises behind different health therapies today, conventional or not, and test them against Biblical principles and what we know about God’s intelligent design. I will also help you rebuild a firm diet foundation based on Biblical principles and our intelligent design.

My desire for you is for you to return to God’s good, intelligent design, so that you can truly achieve good health that’s simple and sustainable.

Check out the trailer for my podcast, Diet By God’s Design below!

Liked What You Heard?

If you liked what you heard, subscribe to my podcast! I will launch my podcast on **November 10th**, and you will be able to find it on Apple and Google podcasts, Podbean, and Stitcher. You can find my podcast here:



*Apple and Google links will be added once they approve my podcast

Need More Than a Podcast?

If you need more accountability and direction with your health, then consider working with me.

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