Not Above the Consequences of Our Actions

09 || Not Above the Consequences of Our Actions

It’d be nice if we could be above the consequences of our actions when it comes to our health. However, if you want good health, you’re going to have to play by the rules. What are these rules, you ask? Learn more about them in this episode of my podcast!

Consequences of Our Actions

What You’ll Learn From This Episode

This episode – Not Above the Consequences of Our Actions – ties back to episode 06. Since God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it, I suggested that He designed everything intentionally. And part of His intentional design is the creation of rules in nature (what I call a natural law) He created us to live under. If this is new to you, check out episode 06 before listening to this one.

Going off the idea that there are rules in nature that we live under… If there is a natural law, then we must live by these rules, or else we will face detriments.

Embarrassingly enough, I encountered these detriments firsthand. You’ll have the listen to this episode to hear about my war with chicken broth! Hint, I didn’t win.

To share one of the takeaways I had from my war with chicken broth… No matter how special we think we are or how much “faith” we have or how many prayers we pray, we are not above the consequences of our actions.

We tend to think we’re special and should be able to live however we want. But, when we think about it… God, Himself, had to submit to His own natural law when He was on this earth. So, if He did it, why wouldn’t we have to?

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it! Listen to it below:

Show Notes

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Want to learn more about how to diet and live according to God’s design? Subscribe to my podcast on Podbean, Apple, Google, or Stitcher.

Tired of living with the consequences of your health decisions? Need help figuring out how to live by God’s design instead of your own? Consider working with me, then, and I will help you do just that!

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