chemicals in your home

023 || Rebalancing Hormones: Chemicals in Your Home

Rebalancing your hormones is incredibly important to being and feeling healthy again. When you are exposed to man-made chemicals, your hormones will pay the price if your body is not able to remove them quickly. In this episode, we talk about getting rid of hormone-disrupting chemicals in your home so your hormones can rebalance.

chemicals in your home

Listen to the episode:

Chemicals Have Nothing to Do With Your Diet, Right?

I know you may think chemicals have nothing to do with diet, but if you remember from episode 11, your diet consists of anything you consume, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Well, we do consume chemicals in the home – we absorb them through our skin, breathe them in, and can even get them in our mouth if the chemicals get and stay on our hands. Therefore, things like your cleaning products, soap, shampoo (etc.) are also part of your diet. Slightly unsettling, huh?

I believe this topic is critical to address because more evidence is showing that many man-made products are causing major health problems, especially to our hormones. And the most frustrating part is that there are new man-made chemicals created every day, yet it takes years for us to see the detriments of these chemicals in our bodies.

Man-Made Chemicals in Your Home

So, let’s start small by focusing on the items in your house currently that are probably disrupting your hormones. These items are the ones with the long list of ingredients you can’t pronounce. A good place to start looking is with your cleaning supplies.

As I recommended in the last episode, make a list of products in your home with man-made chemicals you want to replace. Take the list you’ve made and prioritize the items by your ability and willingness to replace them.


I have some resources for you on the blog for this episode. So, if you need help figuring out which household items are hazardous to your health, and/or want access to the list I’ve made for my house so you can see what we’ve done and are currently working on replacing, then click the show notes link in the show description. (Sign up to email below.)

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That’s all I have for this episode. In the future, if you think it helpful, I can do a video of what’s under my kitchen sink. You’ll have to let me know if that would be helpful or not, though. So leave me a comment on the show notes page for this episode.

“See” you in the next episode!

Other Resources

Want to learn more about how to eat and live according to God’s design? Subscribe to my podcast on Podbean, Apple, Google, or Stitcher.

Ready to start working on your hormone health but don’t know where to start? Consider working with me, then, and I will help you do just that!

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