Hi, My Name is Caitlin.

But you can call me Cait.

My Story

I grew up not thinking much about what I put in my body. As a  child, I would sneak candy ALL the time (and I still have that sweet tooth today). When I got into high school,  my family and I had to eat out frequently since we were on the road 80% of the time for volleyball.

I was active and fit and didn’t have any (outward) health problems. But, I wasn’t aware of the consequences to how I was treating my body.

I became aware of those consequences after returning from a medical mission trip to Rwanda. On the trip, I ate something that did a number on my gut and digestion. At first I blew it off as Traveler’s diarrhea.

But, 7 months later I began having really bad bloating and constipation. Several blood draws, a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy later, I was told, “We don’t know what’s wrong; maybe it’s IBS?” I was sent home with nothing but frustration and a bunch of meds to “solve” my symptoms.

Over the next year and a half, my symptoms got worse. I was waking up in the middle of the night from night sweats; I couldn’t eat much because my abdomen would swell up like a balloon – and that was just embarrassing.

I felt trapped. 

The only people who I thought could help me told me they couldn’t help me. And Google made things worse.

The answer to my problems finally came two years later when a missionary doctor gave me antibiotics. The antibiotics solved my problems, but they did some damage too. 

I’ve been trying to remedy the damage for the past couple of years.

This is Why I Started Your Plate with Cait.

Now that I’m a Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist, I use my experience to help those who feel trapped by their health problems.

To best help you, I have specialized in Integrative and Functional Nutrition. This means I focus on the whole picture – how much you’re sleeping, your stress levels, any obstacles or challenges getting in your way, your motivations and discouragements, potential triggers of your symptoms, your current living environment.

The whole picture is needed to get to the ROOT of your problems.

Say goodbye to putting a Band-aid over what’s wrong. Say goodbye to referral after referral to health care professionals who won’t take the time to hear your story.

I’m here to give you practical things you can do now to target the root of your symptoms.

Because you deserve to be free in your own body. 

You deserve to love the way you feel and look. 

You deserve to feel healthy again.

It'd be my joy to help you look and feel healthy again.

Blog Posts to Start With

Want to start making your own probiotic foods? Here’s your ultimate guide.

Thinking about taking probiotics? Know what they do and don’t do first.

Interested in gut health and its link to obesity, asthma, autoimmune diseases, dementia, and more? You’ll want to read this post.

Think you may be sensitive to gluten? You’ll want to check this post out.

Overwhelmed with all the information on GMOs, pesticides, and food additives? This post will help you sort through the pros and cons of each.

Interested in using food as medicine? You should know about this first.

Want to make healthy eating resolutions stick? Here is the first step of five to help you make healthy eating changes.