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A Word From Cait...

Cait, here. You’re probably looking for Your Plate with Cait. Well, as life has changed, I have changed. I’ve grown in my knowledge and understanding of true health and of the Health-Giver. So, I am in the process of changing my site’s name from Your Plate with Cait to Diet By God’s Design. When I first started Your Plate with Cait, I didn’t know what I wanted to do or, really, what I believed. As I’ve been learning more and getting hands-on in the world of nutrition and diet, I’ve been dismayed by what I’ve seen. It seems as if we’ve lost track of why good health is a good thing and what good health actually is. We’ve lost track because we’ve forgotten where good health comes from… God, or as we know Him in our household, Yahweh. All this to say, there are some big-to-me-but-small-to-the-world changes that I’ve been working on. Mostly these things are with my local community.  So, in the coming months, you will see the fruit of the past year’s hard work to start a community that lives by God’s design. My vision for this site is to help you start up your own communities with others who want to do things by God’s design. My focus will be on diet, of course, but I hope to have friends from other disciplines speak on here as well. Here’s to giving Christ every area of our lives!

Interested in living by God's design?

If this is something you want to join in or learn more about, then you can catch me on Instagram or Facebook (links below). However, because those mediums are less-than-trustworthy with keeping private information private, I am considering starting a private Telegram community. This community would be a group where we could talk about more controversial topics without feeling like someone is watching over our shoulders. Health is a private matter, and so I want all of us to be able to keep it that way. I’ve chosen Telegram as the medium for the group because it uses phone numbers instead of emails. Email is the most direct way of contacting you, but who checks emails anymore? Personally, it’s just easier to get an alert on your phone from the community than for it to get lost in the 1,000 other emails or notifications you’ve already gotten today.

If you would be interested in being apart of a community like that, click the button below to add your name to the list:

Let me know if you're interested in joining our community.